COnversion Rate OPtimization

What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Conversion Rate Optimization is a strategy for increasing the percentage of visitors to a website that convert into customers, or more generally, take any desired action on a webpage. It is commonly referred to as CRO.

The Value of Content Rate Optimization

Just driving more traffic to your site doesn’t guarantee more conversions. Without conversions, your business can’t grow. Conversion Rate Optimization provides a clear strategy that creates a roadmap to help users navigate through your site and complete the desired goal / action. The end result is just not more conversions for your website, but a drastically improves the chance of that user returning again.

Things to consider during your CRO Campaign

In order to optimize for better conversion rates, it requires thorough analysis and A/B testing. If you don’t gather the proper data, then you’re left guessing what changes to make. Gut feelings are awesome, but quantitative data is better. A CRO program complements the increase in traffic generated by an SEO program.


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